Kay »Materyèl»Duplex asye»S32760 Zeron 100 F55 1.4501 duplex Nerjaveèi plen fil boulon hex DIN933

S32760 Zeron 100 F55 1.4501 duplex Nerjaveèi plen fil boulon hex DIN933

ASTM A182 Super Duplex F55 Hex Bolts yo itilize pou ponp, tiyo, toufe, konektè, tiyo / bride, konpozan lwil oliv ak gaz, manifoul, elatriye. Ekonomi ki kapab lakòz nan pwa ASME SA 182 Super Duplex S32760 boulon hex ka redwi dramatikman. pri an jeneral nan fabrikasyon. Anneal Chalè sa a ASME SA479 Super Duplex S32760 boulon Hex a 1025 Degre C ¨ C 1120 Degre C pou asire yo gen ase tan pèmèt pou sant la reyalize tanperati founo a epi kenbe pou yon tan ki koresponn ak seksyon desizyon an, ki te swiv pa trempe dlo.

Rated5\/5 baze sou313revizyon kliyan yo

Super DuplexUNS-S32760-A182-F55, Super Duplex Alloy UNS S32760 (F55 \/ 1.4501) gen ekselan rezistans Pitting ak Crevice Kowozyon nan dlo lanmè nan tanperati ki wo, apwovizyone ak yon PREN 40.<( Pitting Resistance Eqv) . Excellent resistance to SCC ( Stress Corrosion Cracking) in Sour and Chloride environments . Providing higher strengths than both austenitic and 22% Cr Duplex Stainless Steels UNS S32760 (F55) is suited to a variety of applications in industries such as Oil & Gas, CPI(Chemical Processing Industries), and Marine environments.


    Plis Duplex asye