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17-4ph stainless steel flange plate flange
17-4ph stainless steel flange plate flange
17-4ph stainless steel flange plate flange
17-4ph stainless steel flange plate flange

17-4ph stainless steel flange plate flange

Type 17-4 PH stainless steel is the most widely used of all precipitation hardening stainless steels. Its valuable feature set offers designers the opportunity to increase product reliability while simplifying manufacturing and reducing cost.

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Type 17-4 PH is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel with high strength, good corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties at temperatures up to 600o F (316oC). Its unique combination of properties makes this alloy an effective solution to many design and production problems.

Meanwhile, 17-4 PH, or precipitation hardened stainless steel, is prized for its adaptability and quality attributes. 17-4 PH is a martensitic precipitation solidifying stainless steel with high quality, high wear resistance and strong mechanical properties. 17-4 PH stainless steel is a contrasting choice with different stainless steels and solid carbon steels.

17-4 PH is a molybdenum-containing, low carbon content “L” grade austenitic stainless steel that offers increased corrosion resistance compared to 304L and 316L stainless steels. Low carbon provides sensitization resistance during welding and other thermal processing. 321/321H is non-magnetic in the annealed condition, but may become slightly magnetic by welding. 321/321H has excellent corrosion resistance in a variety of chemicals, especially in acidic chloride environments such as those encountered in pulp and paper mills. The increased chromium, nickel and molybdenum content increases resistance to chloride pitting and general corrosion compared to 316L stainless steel.


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