Home » Materials » Alloy steel » ANSI Alloy Steel Flanges ASTM A182 flanges offers high temperature strength and resistance to scaling at elevated temperatures

ANSI Alloy Steel Flanges ASTM A182 flanges offers high temperature strength and resistance to scaling at elevated temperatures

These alloys typically comprise of about 1 % to 5% of the steel’s content and are usually added based on their ability to provide a very specific attribute for their end use.

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The Alloy Steel Blind Flanges are closed ended flanges that end a pipeline. There are different types of blind flanges and shapes for different types of applications. There are also other types such as socket weld flanges, weld neck flanges, SWRF flanges and Alloy Steel Slip On Flange types. The high chromium content which is so beneficial to the wet corrosion resistance of these Alloy Steel Socket Weld Flanges is as well highly beneficial to their high temperature strength and resistance to scaling at elevated temperatures. The Alloy Steel Slip On Flanges are used mostly with seamless pipes for better positioning of the connection. Please feel free to contact us for the Alloy Steel Flange Material types, grades, different flanges and their prices.


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