Home » Forged Flanges » asme b16.5 nickel alloy flange SW flange Monel 400 WERKSTOFF NR. 2.4360 flange

asme b16.5 nickel alloy flange SW flange Monel 400 WERKSTOFF NR. 2.4360 flange

Monel 400 Socket Weld Flanges have good weldability and moderate resistance to corrosive environments. Nickel 400 glasses blind flanges for terminating pipes or pipes are resistant to seawater and steam at high temperatures.

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This property of the alloy can be improved by simply using tempering. Tempering increases the strength and impact strength of the material. While high levels of copper indicate that the alloy will be attacked by acid, the 150-grade Monel 400 flange shows resilience to hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids under degassed conditions. At the same time, DIN 2.4360 flanges are also resistant to aggressive solutions and salts. ASME SB564 N04400 flanges are used to provide a tight seal for pipes without welding. Monel pipe flanges are widely used in refineries as they reduce the failure experience of other metal and alloy flanges in marine environments. Monel blind flanges provide higher reliability even in harsh conditions.


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