Home » Steel Pipe Fittings » Butt Weld Pipe Fittings » Cu Ni alloy pipe fittings ASME SB 466 USN C70600 reducer

Cu Ni alloy pipe fittings ASME SB 466 USN C70600 reducer

Copper-nickel is known for its broad resistance to seawater. Due to the high absorption rate of the alloy, copper-nickel (Cu-Ni) 70/30, (Cu-Ni) 90/10 pipe fittings are widely used as connectors for piping systems in the power generation and shipbuilding industries.

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Copper-nickel fittings are medium strength grades that play an important role in characterizing the flow of media. Copper-nickel fittings are used to connect items of different sizes, routes and branch connections. These fittings are designed with nickel, copper and iron as well as other alloys. Meanwhile, copper-nickel piping systems are used by many industries that use seawater, such as shipping, offshore oil and gas production, power plants, and coastal factories. Seawater is primarily used for cooling purposes, but is also used for oil field water injection, desalination plants, and firefighting.


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