Home » Steel Pipe Fittings » Butt Weld Pipe Fittings » Hastelloy C276 butt welded elbows to perform in oxidising non-oxidising and mixed acids media

Hastelloy C276 butt welded elbows to perform in oxidising non-oxidising and mixed acids media

Hastelloy’s resistance to sulfuric acid makes it a common choice for protection from hydrogen sulfide (H2S), more commonly known as?sour gas.

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It is usually used in pollution control, chemical processing, pulp and paper production, and waste treatment. It is recommended that the alloy be in the solution-annealed condition for welding, and that C-276 filler metal be used. Submerged-arc-welding is not recommended for this alloy as there is high heat input with this method and slow cooling of the weld. Neither is Oxyacetylene welding recommended, due to the danger of carbon pickup in the weld.


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