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Hastelloy C276 plate low carbon content minimizes carbide precipitation

Hastelloy C276 Plates, which has excellent corrosion resistance in reducing environments. Inconel C276 Plates is a nickel-molybdenum-chromium superalloy with an addition of tungsten designed to have excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of severe environments.

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Hastelloy UNS N10276 Plates was the first wrought, nickel-chromium-molybdenum material to alleviate concerns over welding (by virtue of extremely low carbon and silicon contents). It is in the beginning advanced to be used in seawater and different competitive chloride-bearing environments. Hastelloy Din 2.4819 Plates is resistant to the formation of grain boundary precipitates in the weld heat-affected zone, thus making it suitable for most chemical process applications in an as welded condition.


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