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Incoloy 800 N08800 pipe spools capable of remaining stable

The alloy is capable of remaining stable and maintaining its austenitic structure. Incoloy 800 is primarily used in applications with temperatures up to 1100¡ã F, where alloys 800H and 800HT are normally used in temperatures above 1100¡ã F where resistance to creep and rupture is required.

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Alloys 800H/HT is used in a variety of applications involving exposure to corrosive environments and high temperatures such as heat treating equipment, chemical and petrochemical processing, nuclear power plants and the paper pulp industry. Alloy 800, 800H and 800HT are used in various applications from furnace components, petrochemical furnace cracker tubes to sheathing for electrical heating elements. Incoloy 800 (UNS N08800, W. Nr. 1.4876) is a widely used material for construction of equipment requiring corrosion resistance, heat resistance, strength, and stability for service up to 1500¡ãF (816¡ãC).


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