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incoloy 800ht 3in N08811

Super alloys are also referred to as high performance alloys. They have good creep and oxidation resistance, and are utilized where high surface stability is required. They also have an ability to function under high temperatures and mechanical stress. They can be strengthened by solid-solution hardening, work hardening, and precipitation hardening. They are divided into three groups such as iron-based, nickel-based, and cobalt-based alloys.

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The nickel alloy is dual certified (800H/HT) and combines the properties of both forms. Incoloy 800H/HT alloy was intended for high temperature structural applications. The nickel content makes the alloys highly resistant to both chloride stress-corrosion cracking and to embrittlement from precipitation of sigma phaseIt has improved creep and stress-rupture characteristics in the 1100°F (593°C) to 1800°F (982°C) temperature range.


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