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Incoloy 825 2.4858 N08825 pipes welded and seamless tubes

Incoloy 825 2.4858 N08825 pipes welded and seamless tubes

Nickel alloy 825 seamless pipe is particularly resistant to sulfuric and phosphoric acid. Known as WNR 2.4858 seamless pipe, this nickel steel alloy is used in chemical processing, pollution control equipment, oil and gas well piping, nuclear fuel reprocessing, acid production and pickling equipment.

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UNS N08825 seamless pipe has excellent resistance to reducing and oxidizing acids, good resistance to stress corrosion cracking, satisfactory resistance to localized corrosion such as pitting and crevice corrosion, etc. We also offer the same service at a fairly affordable price.

Incoloy 825 is resistant to strong acids, including oxidizing acids such as nitric acid. Nitric acid is commonly used to produce ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate, which in turn is a raw material for fertilizers. Therefore, an application of Incoloy 825 tubing could be the mass production of nitrate fertilizers. In addition to being used in several chemical processing units, the B423 Inconel 825 seamless tube is suitable for applications involving the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.


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