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incoloy 825 2.4858 steel billet corrosion materials

In addition to oxidation, the metal is also resistant to the effects of carburization. As an austenitic stainless steel type, this alloy has some temperature limitations, but has the advantage of varying the carbon content.

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The tensile strength of Incoloy 800 round bar decreases when used at elevated temperatures, although the material has reasonable tensile strength at relatively high temperatures. UNS N08811 Bright Bar is the same as most austenitic stainless steel alloys, but does prove useful, especially with more aggressive media.

It is very resistant to sulfur and nitric acid. It resists the formation of chromium carbide deposits. In addition to prolonged exposure to chloride environments, it resists crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, and pitting corrosion to a commendable degree. Incoloy 800 / 800H / 800HT round bars are mainly used in offshore and petrochemical applications due to their high pressure resistance.


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