Home » Forged Flanges » Inconel 601 Pipe Flange Distributors of ASME SB564 Inconel 601 Blind Flanges

Inconel 601 Pipe Flange Distributors of ASME SB564 Inconel 601 Blind Flanges

There are different functional types such as the ASME SB564 Alloy 601 Lap Joint Flange, slip on flanges, weld neck flanges, socket weld flanges and orifice flanges. The face type of the flanges vary as flat face, raised face and ring type joint.

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Inconel 601 flanges wholesale, distributors of inconel 601 din flanges in different schedules and sizes, inconel 601 industrial flange suppliers, inconel 601 flanges suppliers, inconel alloy 601 flanges manufacturer in india, inconel alloy 601 flange price list in China.

Our WNR 2.4816 Flangesis not recommended for the use at red temperature when sulfur is existentbecause of high nickel amounts. However, when sulfur composites are present too, or for ammonium hydroxide service, Alloy 601 Flanges is recommended. These are accessible to our valuable customers in different range of diameters, wall thicknesses and sizes at quite affordable rates.


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