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Inconel 718 round bar steel rod N07718 bright bar
Inconel 718 round bar steel rod N07718 bright bar
Inconel 718 round bar steel rod N07718 bright bar
Inconel 718 round bar steel rod N07718 bright bar

Inconel 718 round bar steel rod N07718 bright bar

Alloy 718 is a precipitation hardenable nickel-based alloy designed to exhibit extremely high yield, tensile and creep rupture properties at temperatures up to 1300°F.

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Inconel 718 is a Gamma Prime reinforced alloy with excellent mechanical properties at high and low temperatures. Suitable for temperatures up to around 1300 F. Can be easily machined and age hardened. Excellent strength from -423°F to 1300°F (-253°C to 705°C). Age hardenable, weldable in fully aged condition, and has excellent oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1800°F (980°C). Usually sold in the solution annealed condition, but can be ordered as aged, cold worked or cold worked and aged. In addition, the slow age hardening reaction of Alloy 718 allows annealing and welding without spontaneous hardening during heating and cooling.

Meanwhile, Inconel 718 (or Alloy 718), a special type of high-strength superalloy with a nickel-chromium base, makes it resistant to corrosion, high pressure and extreme temperatures up to 700°C. The material consists of 50-55% nickel, 17-21% chromium, 4.75-5.5% niobium and tantalum, and trace amounts of molybdenum, titanium, cobalt, aluminum, manganese, copper, silicon and other elements. Applications include gas turbine components and cryogenic storage tanks. Jet engines, pump bodies and parts, rocket engines and thrust reversers, nuclear fuel element gaskets, hot extrusion tools. Other popular uses are high-strength bolted connections and downhole shafting.


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