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mild steel bar A350 LF2 steeel bar

The corrosion resistance of ASTM A350 LF2 carbon steel hollow bars is mainly poor, and for this reason, it is habitually wrapped with pure aluminum.

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These properties and their chemical composition make our ASTM A350 LF2 hollow bars manufacturable and extremely resistant to corrosive environments. Compared to stainless steel, these carbon steel A350 LF2 round bars are a heat resistant steel with high resistance to oxidation scaling and high strength under high temperature exposure. One of the main export units of ASTM A350 LF2 CS round steel, used in various industries such as oil and gas projects, drainage systems, water supply, etc. Carbon steel A350 round bars are used in offshore oil drilling companies, power generation, petrochemicals, natural gas processing, specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical equipment, chemical equipment, seawater equipment, heat exchangers, condensers, pulp and paper industries.


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