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Monel 400 pipe fittings pipe bend for heat exchanger valve and pump

ALLOY400 is a single-phase solid-solution Ni-Cu alloy with excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of marine and chemical environments and has freedom from chloride induced stress-corrosion cracking.

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Monel 400 can be readily joined by welding processes including shielded metal arc welding(SMAW), gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW) and gas metal arc welding(GMAW). Corresponding fillers or electrodes shall be selected. Since Alloy 400 is softer than most steels, it can be hot formed or cold formed into almost any shape following with machining process. Pipe bends are used in construction and manufacturing, especially pipe laying systems and bend machines. Pipe bends are available in a variety of sizes, materials, and patterns to meet almost any requirement. Corrosion rates are low, particularly in rapidly flowing brackish or seawater. The product also provides excellent resistance to stress-corrosion cracking in freshwater. Monel 400 is a solid-solution alloy which can be hardened by cold working.


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