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Monel K500 N05500 pipes with flanges

The corrosion resistance of Monel K-500 is basically the same as Alloy 400, except that in the age hardened condition, Alloy K-500 has a greater tendency to stress corrosion cracking in certain environments. Monel K-500 has been found to be resistant to sour gas environments.

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The combination of extremely low corrosion rates and high strength in high-velocity seawater makes K-500 alloy particularly suitable for centrifugal pump shafts in marine service. In stagnant or slow-moving seawater, scaling can occur followed by pitting, but after a fairly rapid initial attack, this pitting slows down.

In the age hardened condition, Monel K-500 is more prone to stress corrosion cracking than Monel 400 in some environments. Compared to Alloy 400, Alloy K-500 has approximately three times the yield strength and twice the tensile strength of the alloy. Additionally, it can be further strengthened by cold working before precipitation hardening. This nickel-steel alloy maintains its strength at 1200¡ãF, yet remains ductile and ductile at temperatures up to 400¡ãF. Its melting range is 2400-2460¡ã F.


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