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Monel K500 tube and pipe for oil-well drill collars and instruments

Monel k500 has good corrosion resistance and long-term organizational stability.

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Friction is achieved through extrusion and heating (i.e., thermomechanical processing) where contacting surfaces undergo plastic deformation, surface activation, diffusion and recrystallization, and “body” interaction, among others. to form welded joints. Basic features The first is solid-state welding, that is, the welding material does not melt during the welding process, but is still in a solid state, and the weld is forged. Therefore, the welding zone will not produce some welding defects and welding embrittlement phenomena related to melting and solidification metallurgy, such as coarse columnar grains, segregation, crystal cracks, and isopores; secondly, the joint action of axial pressure and friction torque on the friction welding surface under and near some mechanical metallurgical surfaces. The role of gold, such as grain refinement, dense structure and dispersion distribution of inclusions, and the “self-cleaning” effect of friction welding surfaces, etc. This is very beneficial to obtain welded joints with the same strength as the base metal.


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