Home » Forged Flanges » N08367 Stainless Steel Plate Flange Al6XN SS Blind Flanges

N08367 Stainless Steel Plate Flange Al6XN SS Blind Flanges

AL-6XN (UNS N08367) is a 6% molybdenum, low carbon, nitrogen-bearing super-austenitic stainless alloy. The alloy was originally designed for seawater applications. AL-6XN? has also been successfully used in a broad range of very corrosive environments including the rapidly developing biopharm markets.

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N08367 Stainless Steel Flange has both the strength and the corrosion resistance.AL-6XN alloy is use in contact with hydrogen sulfide-containing natural gas and petroleum is covered by NACE MR0175-92. while retaining high ductility and impact strength, due to its nitrogen content, AL-6XN has better tensile strength than common austenitic stainlesses. There are different types of flanges in this range and the Uns N08904 Blind Flanges are used for closure of a pipeline. The blind flanges are useful in maintenance systems to open and close regularly or to permanently close a connection. There are different dimensions to these flanges based on different standards specifications such as the Asme B16.5 Al6xn Socket Weld Flanges. The flanges range in size from 1/2 inches to 48 inches and the diameters vary according to the pressure classes.


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