nickel alloy 825 Incoloy 825 2.4858 elbows
Grade 825 Incoloy alloy used to make butt welded pipe fittings has high corrosion resistance. It contains a high nickel content, sufficient to resist chloride ion stress corrosion cracking, and a very stable austenitic structure.
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Elbows made from Incoloy 825 exhibit higher corrosion resistance in aqueous media compared to Alloy 800H/800HT elbows.
This alloy has good ductility and can be formed by all orthodox methods. Because the alloy is stronger than regular steel, it requires more powerful equipment when forming. Heavy duty lubricants should be used when cold forming. It is important to clean parts of all traces of lubricant after forming, as the alloy may embrittle at high temperatures if lubricant is left behind.
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