Home » Steel Fasteners » Nickel Alloy Fasteners » Nimonic 80A hex scoket head cap screw m10 x 45mm bolt

Nimonic 80A hex scoket head cap screw m10 x 45mm bolt

Alloy 80A has good corrosion and oxidation resistance and high tensile and creep rupture properties at temperatures up to 815oC (1500oF). Microstructure evolution of Ni-based superalloy Nimonic 80a during hot forging. The applicability of this alloy for hot forging under non-isothermal conditions in a screw press is discussed from the aspects of deformation inhomogeneity, flow localization and shear band formation.

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Nimonic 80a is suitable for processing in screw presses. However, the non-isothermal conditions of the screw press lead to the development of heterostructures across the thickness. Highly or completely unrecrystallized structures were observed in those regions in contact with the bottom mold, as opposed to the top locations where highly recrystallized structures were found. Alloy 80A is used in gas turbine components (blades, rings, discs), bolts, tube supports in nuclear generators, exhaust valves in internal combustion engines, and has many other offshore/marine, automotive and electrical applications.


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