Home » Materials » Duplex steel » pipe a790 s31803 32205 smls

pipe a790 s31803 32205 smls

While Duplex 2205 is the most common duplex product we supply, we can also deliver Duplex 2304 and Duplex 2207 with reduced lead times as these alloys are stocked. Alloy 2205 (UNS S32305/S31803) is a 22% chromium, 3% molybdenum, 5-6% nickel, nitrogen alloyed duplex stainless steel pipe with high general, localized, and stress corrosion resistance properties in addition to high strength and excellent impact toughness.

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“Duplex” describes a family of stainless steels that are neither fully austenitic (such as 304 stainless steel) nor purely ferritic (such as 430 stainless steel). At temperatures above 300°C, the brittle trace components of this grade are precipitated, and at temperatures below -50°C, the trace components undergo a ductile-brittle transition; therefore, this grade of stainless steel is not suitable for use at these temperatures. Duplex stainless steels are approximately 50% ferrite and 50% austenite for optimum strength and corrosion resistance.


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