Home » Materials » placas y hojas de acero inoxidable 316Ti 1.4571 320S31

placas y hojas de acero inoxidable 316Ti 1.4571 320S31

Las placas ASTM A240 SS 316Ti se usan com¨²nmente en intercambiadores de calor, equipos de fabricas de papel y componentes de construccion en ambientes marinos. La placa de acero inoxidable UNS S31635 conserva propiedades fisicas y mecanicas similares al grado estandar 316.

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Es el grado local mas com¨²n utilizado en la industria del petroleo y del fuel oil, sintetizado con la ayuda de oxigeno basico o procesamiento en horno electrico. Debe haber requisitos quimicos de seguimiento: fosforo, azufre, carbono, manganeso, cobre, niquel, vanadio, cromo, molibdeno.

La placa AISI/SS tipo 316Ti, conocida como grado estandar UNS S31635, es una version estabilizada con titanio para acero inoxidable austenitico tipo 316 con capacidad de soporte de molibdeno. Es resistente a las picaduras y la corrosion en general, y proporciona una alta resistencia a la traccion y propiedades de ruptura por tension a temperaturas elevadas y elevadas.


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    Steel Plate are often used for structural and construction applications, pressure vessels, marine and offshord equipment, and military applications. The grade, elements and parameters of a steel plate are also important in how it is used.
    Steel plates are classified by thickness: thin plate, medium plate, thick plate and extra-thick plate.
    Thin steel plates are steel plates with a thickness between 0.2-4mm produced by hot rolling or cold rolling, and thick steel plates are those with a thickness of more than 4mm
    The general name of the good board.
    Thin steel plate refers to a steel plate with a thickness of not more than 3 mm. The commonly used thin steel plate thickness is 0.5-2MM, which is divided into sheet and coil supply. Thin
    The steel plates are generally B-type steels, cold-rolled or hot-rolled steel plates with steel grades B0-B3. Requirements for thin steel plates: smooth, smooth surface, thick
    The degree of uniformity, allowing a tight iron oxide film, must not have cracks, scarring and other defects. The process is divided into hot rolled sheet steel and cold rolled sheet
    plate. Mainly used in Changlin Dongfeng fans, automobiles, electrical equipment, vehicles, agricultural machinery, containers, steel furniture, etc.
    Thick steel plates refer to steel plates with a thickness greater than millimeters. Thick steel plate is divided into extra-thick steel plate and medium-thick steel plate.
    Medium and heavy steel plates refer to steel plates with a thickness greater than 3 mm and less than 50 mm. Medium and thick steel plates are mainly used in shipbuilding, boilers, bridges
    Armor and high-pressure vessel shells, etc.
    Extra-thick steel plate refers to a steel plate with a thickness of not less than 50 mm. Extra-thick steel plates are mainly used in shipbuilding, boilers, bridges and high-pressure vessel shells