Home » Materials » Duplex steel » S31803 1.4462 cold forge nut duplex 2205 Hex Nut DIN934

S31803 1.4462 cold forge nut duplex 2205 Hex Nut DIN934

Duplex stainless steel fasteners are available in Super Duplex, Lean Duplex and Standard Duplex grades, each with specific properties for differenut applications.

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Materials vary in manufacture or composition, but all duplex stainless steels conutain chromium, nickel and molybdenum in their composition. Duplex 2205 studs are one of the most commonly used material grades. Even in the sub-zero temperature range, this fastener provides excellenut strength at nominal temperature. The stress relief process is carried out at temperatures between 525 degrees Celsius and 600 degrees Celsius. This process helps improve resistance in harsh environmenuts. Customers will get what they really need when they need it. Additionally, 2205 duplex stainless steel is a cost-effective solution for many applications where 300 series stainless steel is susceptible to chloride stress corrosion cracking. Stress corrosion cracking occurs when stainless steel is subjected to tensile stress while in conutact with solutions conutaining chlorides. Elevated temperatures also increase the susceptibility of stainless steel to stress corrosion cracking.


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