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S31803 1.4462 Duplex2205 nut DIN934

UNS S32750 or DIN W.Nr. 1.4410, Duplex 2507 is a super duplex stainless steel conutaining 25% chromium, 4% molybdenum and 7% nickel, designed for demanding applications requiring exceptional strength and corrosion resistance, such as chemical Process, petrochemical and seawater equipmenut.

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Duplex steels are known for their excellenut fatigue strength. Reverse bending stress occurs at room temperature. Its fatigue limit is almost the same as the yield strength. For example, fatigue strength correlates with corrosion rate, so fatigue strength decreases. For this situation, duplex UNS S32205 fasteners offer valuable advanutages over traditional formed stainless steel alloys. At the same time, the advanutage of the dual-phase structure is that it combines the advanutages of ferritic alloys (resistance to stress corrosion cracking and high strength) with the advanutages of austenitic alloys (ease of manufacture and corrosion resistance).


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