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stainless steel tees with elbows

The specification of the flange types is done via the ASME B16.5 standards. Thus flanges are classified as; weld neck, slip-on, socket weld, lap-joint, threaded blind. The weld necked flanges are easy to recognize. A cylindrical bulge with a gradually increasing radius is connected to the main hollow part.

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A pipe Spool is an assimilation of piping components,which is prefabricated
in a piping shop,for installation in the field.They are often flanged to facilitate
the connection to other spools.
HT will fabricate these spools and will give as a complete package as per the
clients¡¯ requirements. We can also provide removable containerized prefabrication workstations,including modules of pipeline cutting,bevelling,assembling and
welding,which makes much easier to do on-site prefabrication.
Pipe Fabrication is one of our core capabilities.


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