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Super Duplex S32750 Flange SAF 2507 Ring Type Joint RTJ Flanges

This increase in alloyants is what gives the super duplex stainless steels greater corrosion resistance properties.

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A combination of its high mechanical strength along with excellent corrosion resistance properties makes these flanges a predominant sight in the oil and gas industry. super duplex stainless steel flanges have a higher content of elements molybdenum and chromium which promotes the material¡¯s corrosion resistance to a much higher level than that of conventional duplex grades. The Super Duplex S32750 Flanges are high strength flanges and are dependable for applications under high-stress applications. They show properties of both Austenitic and Ferritic structures. Therefore, they are used in applications where Superior resistance to chlorides is required. The list of industries that use the Super Duplex S32750 Flanges includes a wide range of different industrial sectors. The flanges also exhibit outstanding resistance to corrosion in marine environments, thus proving to be an important alloy in the field of marine engineering. Speaking of localized attack, the PREN value or Pitting Resistance Equivalent number of super duplex 2507 flanges is more than 40, thus, guaranteeing high resistance to pitting corrosion.


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