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super duplex strip coil 1cm 1.4410 1.4501 coil

Known for its high impact strength, UNS S32760 exhibits no ductile-brittle transition, but only a slight decrease in impact energy with decreasing temperature.

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Even when welded, the impact strength of UNS S32760 is only slightly lower. The ASTM A240 UNS S32760 Sheet & Plate alloy has a 50% austenite to ferrite ratio each, which evenly distributes the properties of each stainless steel grade. The hybrid microstructure proves that SA 240 Gr S32760 plate is a valuable addition in several industries including the marine environment, oil and gas production industries, and more. Super Duplex UNS S32760 Checkerboard is mainly used for cargo holds, containers, chemical tankers, ships and other similar types of requirements. SA 240 UNS S32760 Checker plate can be purchased in hot or cold rolled condition. Super Duplex Grade S32760 sheet cannot be hardened by heat treatment after machining. Surface strength can be improved by cold working.


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