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super duplex tube S32750 pipe

The advantage of the dual-phase structure is that it combines the stress corrosion cracking resistance and high strength of ferritic alloys with the ease of manufacture and corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel alloys.

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Higher chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen content results in a Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) > 41, providing superior pitting and crevice corrosion capabilities to austenitic and duplex stainless steels in virtually all corrosive media, and critical pitting temperature Over 50°C. Duplex stainless steel S31803, also known as grade 2205 stainless steel, is a standardized formulation that meets UNS specifications. Its temperature range is typically listed as -50° to 300° C (-58° to 572° F); outside this range, its performance characteristics degrade. Specifically, the microcomponents of the dual-phase S31803 exhibited precipitation upon prolonged exposure to high temperatures, while immersion in extremely cold environments reduced ductility.


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